Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Congressman calls himself "an Asian trapped in a white body"

Rep. Ed Case (D-Hawaii) was speaking to a room full of Asians.

Uh, no. I don't care where you live, what you eat, who your friends are, or who you're married to. It does not give you honorary Asian status, and it definitely does not make you an "Asian trapped in a white body."

That's a quote. That's what Rep. Ed Case (D-Hawaii) told attendees at an event for Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Washington on Tuesday night. During remarks at the 2019 Celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Members of the 116th Congress, the congressman -- who is white -- told the crowd -- which was largely Asian -- "I'm an Asian trapped in a white body."

The comment was shared in a tweet by National Journal fellow Nicholas Wu, who was in attendance.

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