Monday, August 8, 2016

Born and Raised in South Detroit: Stand Up Man and Asian Canadian Stories

Guest Post by Aram Collier

A couple of months after my wife and I got married, a cousin from Korea was sent to live with us. He spoke very little English and us being newlyweds in our 20s didn't know how to take care of ourselves, much less a teenager. We took him to try dim sum for the first time, helped him with his homework, and when we ran out of ideas of what to do I took him to watch Batman.

He said he liked my fried rice but he kind of hated Toronto, but coming from Seoul, who could blame him? Between his bemused perspective of Canada and our own fumbled attempts at taking care of him were parts of the Asian Canadian experience -- both from that of a newcomer and from the perspective of a Canadian born Asian. I realized that despite how connected we are with family in Asia now, we're still curiosities to each other.

This is the basis of my feature film Stand Up Man, a feature film comedy about Moses Kim, a wannabe stand up comedian who is forced to take over his family's restaurant and take care of his K-pop loving cousin from Korea. It's about the times your dreams run up against your realities.

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