“Food poisoning outbreaks, like the one that has recently hit diners at The Intercontinental’s breakfast buffet, can result in a very strong claim for compensation.
So, where do you start?
The first step is to call a lawyer and it’s important you do this as quickly as possible after the event.
Secondly and just as vital, is to keep a record of what happened.
Jot down facts like what you ate, when you fell ill, who you were with, details of your symptoms and the treatment you needed.
Don’t forget to include cost of medical treatment and also any time you needed to take off work.
In situations like these, class actions can often arise and DBH with its extensive expertise, can advise quickly if this sort of action is underway.
Remember, this is no win, no fee so you are in safe hands.
A class action will happen if there are several people who all appear to have been affected at the same place.
Things that a lawyer will consider include negligence, a breach of contract and the possibility of defective or inferior quality goods.
The most important thing though for you to remember is to note everything that has happened to you and call us as soon as you can. That way, you will give yourself the best possible chance of compensation and the speediest way to a resolution.”
If you have been affected by this food poisoning outbreak, please contact our experienced Personal Injury team via our contact page, or free call 1800 324 324.
The post Salmonella Outbreak appeared first on Duncan Basheer Hannon Lawyers.
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